What is AI and an AI Camera?

Artificial intelligence is the name for computer programs that use machine learning. AI is a sort of computer vision. In terms of what an AI camera is, it is a type of computational photography.  It consists of the real-time processing of data to make decisions. Its systems are complex algorithms where the machine learns from its previous mistakes. Simply put, artificial intelligence attempts to simulate the process of human intelligence. It includes how we make connections and find patterns in specific tasks we undertake.

Artificial Intelligence Features In Cameras

Red Eye

When you start to think about AI applications in photography, it has been around for a while. On the most basic level, Auto red-eye adjustments count as AI programs. They read an image to identify if the subjects have red eyes. And the program can correct this feature in-camera. 

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is another AI camera capability in photography. It was a groundbreaking feature first used for determining the focal point in a scene. This software promises a sharp focus on the person each time. And it is a particular software that has evolved and is evident in many AI programs.  It not only determines the focus. Now, it can differentiate the subject from the background. We know this as ‘portrait mode’, giving the effect of a wide aperture. It creates the illusion of a shallow depth of field in an image. Now, facial recognition is in security cameras, becoming a norm in many major cities. And facial image recognition is on every smartphone in the world.

Subject Recognition

You may have noticed that developers have taken facial recognition one step further. You are now able to search by subject through your photographs on smartphone cameras. It has been another groundbreaking feature. I was in disbelief when I could search through all my pet photos using keywords.

Zoom and Enhance

We are even starting to see Google’s incredible new software that incorporates optical zoom. It makes zoom-and-enhance capabilities we see in crime movies come to life. It is a feature that all types of photographers will enjoy. Adobe is also adding this feature to their bag of skills in computational photography. Adobe AI Enhance boasts they can turn a 0.8-megapixel image into one that has over 3 megapixels. It turns a pixelated portrait into a recognisable picture.

DSLR AI Camera

Olympus E-M1X

It’s not only smartphone cameras that have AI camera capabilities now. Olympus is currently pushing the frontier on AI in DSLR cameras. The Olympus E-M1X takes the subject identification feature one step further. The camera can recognise birds, trains, motorsports, and other subjects. And it also aids the photographer’s success rate with autofocusing. Olympus also present us with Pro Capture. It’s a feature like Apple’s ‘live photographs’. It captures images before and after the snap of the photo. In smartphones, it happens through a short video. On the Olympus E-M1X, you access it when the shutter is half-pressed. The Olympus E-M1X has other handy features such as Live Time. It lets you watch long exposures as they build up. And it can be helpful if a feature crosses your image and decide if you want to start another or not. Another nice feature is built-in, live ND filters. They allow you to create long exposures when there is a lot of light. It can be a nifty tool, especially if you don’t want to carry around a whole lot of kit.

DSLR AI Camera System


If you want AI camera features to aid your photographic skills actively, take a look at Arsenal. Arsenal is a system that plugs into your DSLR and gives you smart photography features. And your smartphone controls the system. The team claims this doesn’t take away from photographic originality, as it is still up to the photographer to frame the image. The system uses an extensive database of images. It searches to find scenes similar to your current composition. This computer vision then offers the best settings for your particular image. It can identify when action images need shorter exposures. Or it can tell when your picture can enjoy more prolonged exposure to give that misty water effect. With Arsenal, you can create stacked images fast. You can make both HDR and focus stacking images quickly and easily. Arsenal also include features like this for long exposures, time-lapses, and panoramas.  Arsenal’s newest feature is Deep Color. It is a real-time image recognition feature. And it provides a custom set of adjustments to the needs of that particular image. Arsenal claims it is not a look or a filter but a unique adjustment to each image. If this sounds up your street, be sure to check if your DSLR is compatible.

Who Benefits from AI Cameras?

AI cameras are here as an aid to all photographers. The calculations where you assessed the landscape or subject are now done for you. Beginner photographers could find this machine learning helpful. Imagine you had gone out on a beautiful trip, and it so happened to be the perfect day. These AI camera systems can make sure you don’t miss out on the ideal opportunity. For this reason, a lot of amateurs will enjoy artificial intelligence features. But professionals will also enjoy AI camera features. Developments in autofocusing don’t impact the skill of the photographer. And even with features that adjust the settings for you, there is always room for further adjustments. 


It can be easy for people to claim that AI cameras will take the skill out of photography. And with all the previous features that aided photography, it almost feels like a natural step. The downside could be that no one will learn the craft as well, but I doubt this. If anything, machine learning will help us to understand the intricacies of manual photography better. It will push us to take better photos. Interested in photo editing with AI? Check out our review of the best AI photo editor software in 2021!

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